Monday, August 25, 2014

Bagging Bannanas For the Freezer

    One more Amish School auction come and gone (sorry, I didn't take any pictures of the actual thing this year ... but you can visit the posts about 2013's school auction and 2012's school auction). This year we bought a couple boxes of pineapple and twice as many boxes of bananas. I've already written a post about how we preserve pineapple, so I decided to do a post on how we preserve our bananas.   

    Like pineapple, we freeze our bananas, but we freeze Ziploc bags rather than in jars. The reason we did them in bags is because we're running out of wide mouth jars and unless we thaw out the whole jar it will be impossible to get the bananas out of a narrow neck jar. That would be so bad if we used a whole jar at a time, but we mainly freeze our bananas to use in fruit smoothies and we only use one or two a day. So, to make a long story endless, we freeze our bananas in bags.

    We froze close to ten gallon sized bags today. They will be great for future fruit smoothes as well as banana bread and muffins ... which I would mind posting that recipe soon, becuase that means I get to cook and east some.

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