Friday, August 16, 2013

Box Burning Ceremony

    I've been sleeping in the family library and living out of my suitcase since I've been home from college. The room that used to be mine has been turned into Mom's office, but we're having a team coming in to drywall the back end of the basement in a few weeks so I'll have a room of my own again in no time. 
    Drywalling calls for a clean basement and a clean basement means a box burning ceremony

    We like to keep boxes to pack clothes, books and canning jars in, but I didn't realize how many we had until I started cleaning up down there. We had far too many! So we made a mountain in our fire pit and the little man lit the match. He's fascinated with fire, but is always careful and obeys the rules very well.

    There was a time when my sisters and I played with little toy animals called Calico Critters. There was the rabbit family, mouse family, dog family, etc. and each one had their own house. We had so much fun taking scraps of cloth, wood, linoleum and cardboard and making homes and furnishings for them. The blue box in my sister's hand (above) used to be the mayor's house, but it got so beat around in the basement that it's not livable anymore

Call the squad! The Mayor's house is on fire!

    That's the end of that mess! I'm excited to have the basement clean, but more excited to have a room of my own again room. There's lots to do before then, but we'll take it one step at a time like always. Until then, enjoy your life!