Thursday, December 5, 2013

Family Pictures to Hang ...

    Remember those family pictures that my Aunt took of us when she was here this summer??? Well we ordered a collage of canvas prints and hung them today. It was beautiful. My aunt did such a great job taking those pictures, editing, sizing and ordering these prints for us. Again, go check out her website, she and her partner are SUPER talented and incredibly fun!

    We laid the prints out on a piece of brown paper, made sure they were straight, and drew dots where the nails would go. That made it so much easier to level on the wall with the laser level. Dad was such a great sport. We had him on the ladder all morning with: "To the right a little bit", "It needs to come your way", "a little higher", etc.
    It was good to have my aunt from Texas here (not the same aunt that took our pictures) because she's hung pictures like these before and we really haven't.

    That ladder was kind of precarious. One leg was on a stair while the other was on a cinder block. The other two ends (as you can see) had socks over them so they wouldn't scratch the wall. When you climbed to the top you got some slight vertigo.  

    And there they are. To see enlarged versions of these pictures visit my post: Family Pictures In Queen Ann's Lace. I didn't get any pictures of the last step, but we also put a vynal saying at the top of our collage. It said:  

We must cherish one another, watch over one another, comfort one another and gain instruction, that we may all sit down in heaven together. ~ Eliza R. Snow. 
    That is our family's goal. We are all striving to do our best in this life so that we may all sit down together -as an eternal family- in the life to come.