Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Jumping Around with Texas Cousins

    Our cousins are visiting from Texas!
    It's Deer Hunting Season so their dad and grandpa (my grandpa in law :) decided to hunt on our place this year. They didn't shoot anything, but all of us sure had fun. Today we were jumping on the tramp and even though it was chilly we were enjoying it. It was probably the very last day to go out without shoes ... and we were even cutting it a little close :)

    These three little girls are some of the cutest red-heads I have ever met. My mom and their mom are sisters, but they were pretty far apart in age so my sister and I are almost like aunts. We love having our cousins here. With them, every day brings something new.

This is their little brother and I adore his curly red hair!

    The little girls wear their Amish dresses and miscellaneous dress-ups  everywhere and I love it.  When my sister and I were little we played dress up quite a lot too, but after we discovered fabric and safety pins we started to raid the sewing room and leave our dress-up box alone. A piece of fabric and a few safety pins can become anything: an apron, a veil, a train for a gown, a floor-length shawl, or even a bag. 
    Where have the days gone? Yesterday I wore flannel ball gowns with long blowy sleeves made from old sheets ... and today I wear the same two denim skirts every day all day. When did I get to be so dull?

That apron was getting in the way a little bit ... so off it came!

    And, of course, I can't get away without posting a picture of my own adorable brother. I do love red hair, but this little man of mine looks perfect under his head of sun bleached blond. I am glad Heavenly Father made everyone different. 
    I'm also glad that my aunt's family was willing to drive all that way to spend the week. We are having a great time!