Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Sun Before Storm

    On the way to freezing Rexburg Idaho where I'll be attending Brigham Young University Idaho for a while, my family stopped in at Grandma's house in Arizona.

   This college experience will be an extreme culture shock for me since I'm coming straight from a home schooled Mormish environment, but it's also going to be an extreme temperature shock. We're going from 20 degrees (home) to 65 degrees (Arizona) to 10 degrees (Idaho)! Ya!

I love this picture ... my sister is just photogenic, even if she's just a silhouette in this photo.

    I'm by this super large (and spiky) plant and I have no idea what kind it is. When we were younger we would play Indians in the orange grove and tear the fronds (is that what they're called?) off this giant bush/tree and circle our camp with them to ward of the imaginary wild animals.

 I decided to try something different ... everyone smiles for pictures :)

    I'm going to miss my family so much ... I love them like no one else in the world.